Plot and Sub-plot


"Plot (narrative)" definition as in wikipedia
My understanding, plot adalah pembinaan/pengwujudan cerita/event yg disusunatur bermula dari point A ke point seterusnya/penyudahnya. 

Other definition..

"Plot is the full flow of your story---
what happens from the beginning to the end. 
The plot provides the main characters, 
their goals and motivation and their conflicts—
the obstacles that keep them from reaching their goal. 
The plot is where you’ll find the story’s theme or main idea. " 

Still, I really don't know exactly what plot is..and even sub-plot?

Plot, in general, consists of 6 events (I think, this is the what we call "plot structure")
  1. Introduction - revealing characters and settings
  2. Rising Action - story starts complicated, reveal conflict
  3. Climax - highest point that make reader wonder what happen next? can resolve or not?
  4. Falling Action - complication start resolve, reader knows what happen next..
  5. Resolution - conclude falling action by revealing or suggesting the outcome of the conflict
  6. Narrative Hook - author catches the reader's attention by presenting interesting problems or situations


"Subplot" definition from wikipedia

"Sub-plot is a secondary plot (or side story) that is unfolding in your story. 
The subplot adds complications and puts obstacles in the way 
of the main character and therefore becomes a story conflict. 
Sometimes a subplot will mirror the struggle of a main character, 
and though the character has wisdom for her friend's issue, 
she can’t relate it to her own until something happens 
to help her see that she has the same problem and now has the answer. "

Why need sub-lot?
Sub-plot provide layers...
  • prove your protagonist’s life
  • weave into the situation
  • take the pressure off the story
  • add complexity
  • reveal growth and change
  • flesh out the story
  • provide context
  • add to tension/suspense
  • deepen characters
  • drive the story


Example subplot from wikipedia

Example from WritingFictionRight

<<there are a lot more to explore in this area.. like,
Cliché, Climax, Conflict, Dialogue, Dramatic Structure, Exposition, Plot Device, Plot Twist, Reveal, Subplot, Trope>>


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