Penggunaan Beat, CONT'D dan MORE

Ada aku jumpa banyak perkataan "beat" dan "CONT'D" dalam skrip filem Hollywood. Apa yang aku faham, beat bermaksud "pause" iaitu berhenti seketika dalam beraksi ataupun berdialog. "CONT'D" pula adalah singkat perkataan CONTINUED, maksudnya sambung semula..

Contoh 1..

Anna stirs sugar in her coffee as Malcolm sits in the seat across from her. She gently stops stirring, but doesn't look up. Beat.

I thought you meant the other Italian
restaurant I asked you to marry me in.

Anna isn't laughing. Not even close.

I'm so sorry.
I can't seem to keep track of time.

Contoh 2..
   on page 31

April or March of Eighty-seven. Two
weeks into sessions with Vincent
Gray. I was treating a couple, Donald
and Robin Wagner, who had lost their
child to Leukemia. They were waiting
with Vincent in the reception room
of the downtown clinic.

   on page 32
They were alone together maybe fifteen
minutes. When I entered the room,
all three were crying. The Wagner's
progress from that afternoon was
dramatic and sudden .... As if some
door had been opened for them.


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