Concept and Genre

Film Genre definition from wikipedia
Storytelling definition from wikipedia
Basically, from what I understand, 
  • genre is to choose the theme in helping storytelling in a film. 
  • writers need to articulate with on groundwork of the genre that want to be written
  • having genre may drive the concept, at least making it simpler to define
  • help outline the story and character archetypes
  • genre helps attract a producer, especially when it comes to assessing potential market
  • casting is much facilitated -- many film stars fit one genre or another
  • audiences go for genre as much as for stars, and genre gives critics a framework for their commentary
Overall, following are some standard/general genre (find a long list of List of Genres from wikipedia) which each item stands on itself.

Among main genre are..
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Crime/Gangster
  • Drama
  • Epics/Historical
  • Horror
  • Musical/Dance
  • Science Fiction
  • War
  • Western

Also, some mix-genre like,
  • Animation
  • Biography
  • Family
  • Film Noir
  • Mystery 
  • Romance (or call it chick-flick)
  • Sport
  • Thriller (or call it suspense)

Sub-genre and Mix-genre
Often a film represents a mix of genres. Some argue this is always the case as romance is generally mixed in; like
  • action-adventure
  • action-thriller
  • romantic-comedy
  • 'dramedy' (drama+comedy)
  • musical comedy, etc. 

Even when combining types, the benefits of starting from the perspective of an accepted genre apply.

Selecting Genre in Writing
  • Go with that one first time out (no need to overly load yourself up with challenges as a nubie); later, to branch out -- step out of your 'comfort zone'
  • Consider the type of story -- to what extent will one genre over another help tell that story?
  • type of person (and writer) you are -- Not everybody can (or should) write a film noir or a detective-mystery, for example. Some should simply stick to the character-driven drama.
  • check out some examples of movie genres, and see which ones might match your planned project

Things to Consider in Writing in Specific Genre
  • the concept to the dialogue
  • character archetypes might be clearly outlined -- how they talk and the things they do
  • some genres--film noir and romantic comedies, for example--even come with generally-accepted story structures.

Writer to Play with Genre
  • writer to set the world of film genre on edge, or merely use well-established conventions and 'rules' help you along in your quest for greatness.
  • many popular films have been made by parodying a given genre; especially, the teen horror flick, or the western
  • others take a genre as a starting point before taking it in new directions, thereby redefining the style.

Writer to Think About..
  1. Consider the mix of genres in CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON (2000). What can you learn about selecting/creating a film genre for your project?
  2. In what way does UNFORGIVEN (1992) play with the western genre? How might it considered an 'un-western'?
  3. What genres are mixed in THE THIN BLUE LINE (1988)? How successful is this mix in helping to make the point?
  4. In what genre would you categorize THE PRINCESS BRIDE (1987)? In what way would this film present a challenge to those promoting it?
  5. In what direction does BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID (1969) take the western? Should it really be called a comedy instead? What impact did it have on the genre?


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